• Abbey Tower

    Abbey Tower

    This tower-castle, located on the western side of the town, has authorised access to the public as far as its upper terrace, offering spectacular views. Read More
  • Lagoons


    Lagoons such as the Carravalseca and the Carralogroño to the south-east of Laguardia, which are the northernmost lagoons of Europe, are declared Protected Biotopes for their uniqueness and their ecological value. Read More
  • Underground Caves

    Underground Caves

    Throughout the XVI century, caves or family-run wine cellars were constructed in the form of underground passageways that practically spanned the whole of the town. Read More
  • Cheerful Clock

    Cheerful Clock

    The whole unit is made from pieces of forged iron and tin. At the programmed times, a typical melody will begin to play, the clock’s doors will open and the “Cachimorro” and two dancers will come out onto the balcony. The melody will change and the dance will begin. Read More
  • Dolmens


    These are prehistoric monuments built from large untooled stone blocks, which were placed in a horizontal position on top of other vertical blocks. The dolmens of Rioja Alavesa are the largest and most spectacular in all of the Basque Country. Read More
  • San Juan Tower

    San Juan Tower

    Built in the XIV century, it was an old military castle for defending the port below. Read More
  • A Fable Character

    A Fable Character

    Occupying the northern corner of the El Collado walkway, in an iron trellis kiosk, the bust of the fabulist can be found, with an inscription that says “The town of Laguardia, to its enlightened son Mr. Félix María Samaniego". Read More
  • Celtiberian Pond

    Celtiberian Pond

    This is the largest-existing reservoir in Europe that was constructed in the Iron Age. With the capacity to hold more than 300,000 litres of water, it was used to satisfy the water requirements of the population. It has been discovered it was also a place where rituals were carried out. Read More
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